Saturday 3 October 2015

Science of human birth explained in Shrimad Bhagwat Purana

Long long time ago, when there was no science in west, there was myth called Science in the great nation of Aryavarta. The science so advanced that the modern scientists can only name it as a myth, stories or conspiracy theorist name it as Alien contact.
Whatever be it, slowly each & every science defined in these Purana as becoming realities with the advancement in western science. Lets us see one of such science, the Science of Human birth as explained in Shrimad Bhagwat Purana, Verse 1-22 of Chapter 31, Skanda 3.

1. After the expiation of his sins in hell and in an animal embodiment, Providence directs the ignorant Jiva again into a human birth suited to the nature of his residuary Karma. He finds entry into a woman’s womb through the seed of a man.

2. In one day, male & female elements combine into a single unit called "kalala". After 5 days, it becomes disk shaped body called "Budbuda". Once 10 days are passed, it takes takes brinjal shape & becomes hard. It is called "Karkura". At the end of one month, it is developed into lump called "Pesi".

3. In one month, it develops a head & rudiments of arms & legs starts forming in two months. Third month, hairs, nails, bones, skin & genital openings start forming.

4. By fourth month, he develops Seven Dhatus like blood, flesh etc. By 6th month, he starts feeling hungry & thirsty. By this time, it is covered with a thin membrane & his movements can be felt on the right side of mother body.

5. The fetus start absorbing nutrients from mother's food.

6. He finds himself surrounded by bodily filth & worms which bite his tender body.

7. He also suffers intensely from the contact of pungent, salty & burning substances consumed by mother.

8. Covered by thin membrane & the intestine of mother, it rests in womb with his back, neck & head curled up.

9. He can't move his limbs. He remembers all the actions of his past life. What happiness can he find in such a place, where he can't breathe, move & continuously made to think of this actions.

10. From 7th month, he is concious but can't remain still, continously pushed by the winds of the womb.

11. The frightened fetus, completely identified with 7 dhatus, indirectly praises lord with his folded hand, by whose will he is in womb.

12. The Jiva says : I seek shelter at the feet of the Lord who assumes at will, the forms of various Divine Incarnations and walks the earth in order to protect and redeem its inhabitants. It is by His grace alone that an iniquitous creature like me has come to this most deserving state.

13. I, whose spiritual nature has been covered up by the forces of Karma, sit here bound by a body of material substances, that are the products of the Cosmic Power ---- I, the Jiva, salute Him who is pure, unchanging and indivisible Consciousness, but is none the less present in my distressed heart too, being the in-dweller in everything.

14. I pray Supreme Being who is superior to Purusha and Prakrti (soul and matter), who, unlike myself, is without a body of five elements, whose consciousness is not subject to the deluding influences of the senses and their objects engendered by Prakrti, and who is therefore of unlimited power and wisdom.

15. It is Maya having Karma as its binding cord, that has brought me to this state of bondage, whose innumerable woes have completely effaced the memory of my spiritual nature. There is no other way for me to regain my spiritual status except through His grace.

16. It is by the Lord, by whom the whole universe is pervaded, that has given me the memory of my past, present and future. I pray in adoration of that being for relief from the suffering arising from my entanglement.

17. I am lying in the cavity of another body , covered with bodily fluids and tortured by the heat generated in it. Very much distressed in mind, I am counting the days before I shall be released from here. O Lord, when shall that day come?

18. O Lord, have mercy on me in my tenth month.  For a humble Jiva in entanglement that I am, I can offer nothing in return except my repeated salutations.

19. Other Jivas in animals (in my predicament) are aware of only their bodily instincts, joys and discomfort. But by virtue of the higher understanding given to me, I am naturally conscious of moral values like self-control.

20. O Lord, though my stay in the womb is very uncomfortable, I do not wish to come out of it into that pit of entrapment of the world outside. For when I am out, I shall not have the present consciousness but be overcome again by identification with the body, and all the entanglements of Samsara that follow it.

21. As there is thus the chance of my losing spiritual consciousness on being freed after birth from my present sufferings, I shall make in every way a conscious endeavor to prevent the recurrence of future births in numerous wombs by the remembrance of the Supreme Being, who is the friend and well wisher of all. Becoming a devotee of the Lord and worshiping His holy feet, may I never again have physical embodiment.

22. In the tenth month the foetus in the womb, who has made the above resolution and has been engaged in contemplation and praise of the Lord, is pushed out of The womb, head downwards, into the world.

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